Been meeting up loads with my secondary school mates and my colleagues, but haven't really been able to spend some time catching up with my university school mates!
So about 1-2 weeks back, on a Saturday, a few of us decided to just go grab some drinks and have a chit chat! Left the home at around 12am not much places were available for us! Hence, we went to Cafe Iguana for some Margaritas~

(Presenting the "cannot-be-bothered" Da Jie - Beng Kiong!)

(Margaritas with chips~)

(Left: Tried to brush away the camera screen...)
(Right: Failed...hence that give-up look! =p)

(Attendees of the night!)
So about 1-2 weeks back, on a Saturday, a few of us decided to just go grab some drinks and have a chit chat! Left the home at around 12am not much places were available for us! Hence, we went to Cafe Iguana for some Margaritas~
(Presenting the "cannot-be-bothered" Da Jie - Beng Kiong!)
(Margaritas with chips~)
(Left: Tried to brush away the camera screen...)
(Right: Failed...hence that give-up look! =p)
(Attendees of the night!)
And after drinks was some sinful prata supper! Arghh...I'm seriously growing fat! But......I know I can blame no one but my non-stop munching mouth~ (o.O) *nom nom*