In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Sunday, October 5, 2008

    hApPy 32nd mOnth anniVerSaRy + Maid-No more! *gua gua*

    Still, my maid went back home to Philippines today!'s the start of dooms day for me! =p also marks the last day of my long one week holiday break since the previous Friday afternoon. Glad to have meet up with Fang and Xiaowan on the Friday that just passed. It's been uber duper long since we last met. We went to Xian De Lai to have our steamboat since Lifang was craving for steamboat like since so long ago when we wanted to meet. Since I wasn't working on that day, I went out earlier that day to go do some shopping at Orchard first before proceeding down to Bugis to meet up with Fang first as Xiaowan had to work a little overtime. After walking and shopping around a little, we went over to Xian De Lai first cos' it's always packed there, especially on Friday nights.

    We started our steamboat session first while waiting for Miss Neo. Miss Neo only managed to reach at around 830pm. Irene couldn't join us as she had to celebrate her friend's birthday. But coincidentally, she and her friends also went over to Xian De Lai for dinner! So she came down and talk some rubbish with us for a while in the midst of dinner. And wow we really eat for super 3.5 hours I think. After which we took a train down to Orchard Cineleisure for a rather short KTV session. (Babes...we didn't take any pics!!duh...) Shall look forward to our KTV session once Katrina comes back to Singapore!

    Oh and of course I wouldn't forget to mention that today is also me and Dar's 32nd mOnth annIversary! heex...hApPy 32nd mOnth anniVerSaRy to us Dar! Though there wasn't much celebration this weekend, but Dar still fulfilled his promise to cook us (or rather me) carbonara pasta! We initially intend to have it together for lunch, but end up his mummy prepared lunch for us. But nevertheless, other then agreeing to have it together for dinner next Saturday instead, Dar still cooked some for me and his sister to bring to work for lunch tomorrow! Yeah~~Dar Dar Wan Sui!!Smuacks...^^

    (my Carbonara Pasta!!)

    Heex and Bella also finally got hold of her very first bottle of SKII essence yesterday. Shall try it tonight or maybe tomorrow. Hope it'll really work wonders for me like how it worked for my colleagues. keke...gotta go iron my clothes for work tomorrow now! Tataz...*kisses* (^^)

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