In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    Deloitte & Touche AGM 2008

    (Bella make a toast to all my readers!*cheers*)

    Yep here're some pics taken during my Company's Annual General Meeting Party at St James Powerhouse. Sorry for the delay...heex..=)

    (The nice colours inside St James captured when it was still quite woud usually not notice it when they go for clubbing =p)

    (Here's some food before all the rave drinking started!hahax...)

    (And then came the drink...I refuse to touch these except for my wine and a few exceptions to vodka that night...hahax!)

    (Me and my beloved Junney!)

    (Sarah, me and Junney!)

    (Left: From Left, Bella with Yogi Bear, Kelvin and Kok Leong...)
    (Right: Me and Yu jia!!)

    (Once again, Bella with the 2 AMs - Kelvin and Kok leong who kept asking me to drink...Rahhh!)

    (Cheong Thye, me and Yogi)

    (My dance partner for the night up on the podium - Beloved Christina =>)

    (Left: Uber nice Agnes, Yu jia and me!)
    (Right: Ravi bird and moi!!)

    (Me and Junney with the A10s!)

    Anyways, apart from all the rave drinking and dancing, Bella left rather early and went to go find Dar. And when I finally reached Dar's house to find him, I had the nicest instant noodles for supper cos I didn't eat much at St James. Stomach growling and...*Tada!!*

    (My nutritious Tom Yam noodles by Dar!)

    Hmm...totally enjoyed the evening with my colleagues! And...Bella NEVER end up drunk alrights!hahax...=p Till my next post...enjoys!

    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    *Sumptuous Crabbie Lunch On Wednesday*

    (First of all, as you can see from the date, this post was intended to be post up last Thursday. But due to photo delay, it's up only today (20 Oct 08) treat it you're reading it last Thursday! hahax...Sorry for the delay my readers! =p)

    Yesterday me and my other 2 colleagues, Desiree and Agnes, went for lunchie at Seafood Paradise just below the Singapore Flyer. I haven't went to the Singapore Flyer since it started actually. Heex...The decision to go there was triggered by Desiree who said that there was a promotion going on until today for crabs at the Seafood Paradise there. *CRABS* to resist!! of course I agreed! More people were suppose to go but end up they're only able to have a short lunch cos they have meetings with their clients. Lucky me then...cos' I manage to hand in my hedging stuff for review and get to have a long lunch!!hee heex...=p Here're the delicious food we had for our lunchie!!

    ('s the 3 fortunate ones and the nice ambience at the restaurant!)

    (Baby Kai Lan Stir-fried)

    (The main star - Black pepper crab and the very yummilicious butter creamy crab!!MUST try!)

    (Seafoos rice noodles - the prawns are really succulent!!)

    (My Mango Pudding - Very thick and luscious!)

    After the meal, Bella's telling herself "I'm going there again!!Even if there's no more special discount...I want to eat the crabs there again!!It's up on my list of food wishlist now! hahax...So to all my have my recommendation! Especially to try the butter creamy crabs!Yum Yum!!! *drools* =p

    Sunday, October 12, 2008

    *my weekend!!*

    (We luRRvve steamBoat!!)

    No shopping or stepping into town for me this weekend. After work on Friday, Bella went over to find Dar at his house. Having a bloated tummy, I was craving for some simple and hot stuff for dinner, so I called Dar sometime near evening to request for a steamboat dinner that night. We reached home at around 7pm cos' I had to do a little bit of OT. Then after meeting to buy the groceries for our steamboat, we hurried home to prepare!!Yum Yum!! (Oops this is like 2 consecutive Fridays eating steamboat! hahax...)

    (Dong Fen, Golden mushroom and Xiang Gu!!)

    (Prawnies and my fav fish dumplings!)

    (Seaweed chicky, meatball, kai lan and xiao ou-aka-lotus root!yummy!!)

    (Plus our special made chilli...yummilicious!=p)

    (Just the beginning..hahax)

    Then on Saturday morning, Dar bought us Mcdonalds breakfast!!Yippy it's been so long since I last had my hotcakes with sausage breakfast!!Then after breakfast and watching a bit of TV, Bella felt tired and went back to sleep all the way till around 330pm. When I woke up, Dar was preparing us some afternoon snack so that I can eat full full before I start doing my read-ups for hedging (cos' my current job that started today is all about hedging and I know nuts about it!).

    (Here's the simple snack!!)

    Then from 4pm all the way to 8pm, it was plain studying for me!!*Gua Gua* Then we had steamboat dinner again!! hahax...this time round with CP prawn dumplings! nice!

    (My fav rice with seasoning!)

    (Spot the CP prawn dumplings!heex...)


    Then after dinner, Dar gave me a pleasant surprise!!He secretly bought me a chocolate cake when he went downstairs to buy CP prawn dumplings earlier on, to reward me for all the studying I did!!*sweetz*

    (My choco cake!)

    And then after some cakey and TV, Bella was back to studying again all the way till around 1230am. *yawns* uber tired!!I wonder what's it cos' the topic is really tough and dry or are my brains just getting so rusty!!!

    Anyways, today mark the first day of my current job auditing Singtel Treasury on hedging stuff. Feel really gonna turn in earlier! Let's pray the rest of week will just get better...Nights!!*hugs*

    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Sinful Midweek!

    Yes indeed a very sinful midweek I had. After my maid left, it was really much of self-discipline and getting some house chores done. So Monday and Tuesday, Bella find herself spending sometime in the night clearing her room and washing the dishes etc. But she kept herself pampered at the same time for these few days!

    On Tuesday, I headed down for a facial session at Modern Beauty after work. Then today, other then having a sinful lunchie with Junney and Winnie @ Coffee Club along Market Street, I also went for a full body massage at Modern Beauty after work. Guess it's tireness piling up within my body. I had actually wanted to skip it, but upon thinking of the constant back-to-back work engagements I'm gonna have starting from next week, I gathered that this body massage is indispensable! hahax...=p

    (Left: Garlic Prawn Pasta - me and Winnie had this for lunch!Yum!!)
    (Right: Slipper Lobster Linguine for Junney!)

    (Miss Winnie with our uber sinful Muddy Mud pie!!)

    (Here's me with beloved Junney @ Coffe Club with our simply delicious pastas!)

    Then after the massage session, Bella went over to Harbourfront to find Dar and his Mummy and Sister for dinner once again! After walking around for a while, we went back to "Pu Tian" (the Xin Hua Dialect Restaurant) situated at Vivocity Foodcourt area for dinner. I wanted so much to eat the Bamboo Clam there again...but too bad it was all sold out when we wanted to place the order! Sobx...but it's okie...cos' I still like the food there! Heex...

    (Left: Some fried chicken...find it still okie!)
    (Right: Scallops with Broccoli...)

    (Herbal Prawns...Nice!!)

    (Left: Xin Hua Lor Mee - lurrveed by Dar!)
    (Right: Fried Bee Hoon - Dar's sis like this!)

    (Left: Spicy Lala!!)
    (Right: Xin Hua Chak Hoon..nice!)

    After filling our tummys, we went to Daiso cos' Dar's sister want to buy something from there! I also did a little household stuff shopping like floor wipes and dust roller! Super cheap to get it there! Heex...then after that Dar accompanied me to Watsons to buy my beloved Blue Potato chips while his Mummy and Sister went to Vivomart to shop for grocery. By the time we were done with the shopping, it was already past 10pm. Then it was home-sweet-home time!! Short dinner out but totally enjoyed it! Heex...

    The rest of the work week seems like it's gonna be real busy days for wish me great efficiency! *yawns* but will try to make the days as fulfilling as possible! hApPy woRk weEk to all of us!!2 more days to weekend! smuacks...(^^)