In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Wednesday, February 5, 2014

    Blog revived!

    And so I realise while sorting the photos in my handphone that so many things seem to have happened in my life i n these couple of years but I have jotted none of these down in my blog.

    So here I am, looking to revive my blog once again. I have to agree that blogging can really help to keep sweet memories. Just like how I can still look back at all the past events and reminisces my life once in a while. 

    No one might be reading since it's been left silent for so long. But oh well...I shall blog for myself! :p

    Oh and Happy Chinese New Year everyone!


    Unknown said...

    I'm popping by occasionally now that you revived your blog!

    Wendy Sim said...

    Thanks Joel~~~