In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    A life worth pursuing...

    Making a decision on what to blog for my 1st post here can be a rather tough one...and I finally decided to give a small introduction to my life...I hope whoever steps in here will not be bored to death by my simplistic life...

    From a teenage girl to a so-called lady today, I'm definitely one whom some people around me envy, but also one who constantly envies other people around me. Hoping to live a life of perfection - one with perfect love, perfect career, perfect friends, and a perfect family - is the idealistic life that I wish to attain. If you would ask deep down, I believe most if not all people out there longs for an idealistic life of their own. Different measurement tapes are used by you and I, but surely we have our ideals.

    I have a family whom I've stayed with for the past near 23 years of my life. My mum and dad, and a elder brother. I consider myself to be a more daddy's girl rather then a mummy's girl, though I know all of them ultimately holds a status in my heart. Home's never perfect when you grow up in there, coz you see all the faults that you wish never exist. But in times of despair and storms which I've surely gone through, I know they will never turn their love away from me. With this, I believe they are perfect in a way of their own. My family way.

    For my perfect love, he appeared in my life since I was 13. But a hidden one that is. A love I have long hidden deep down, only to be left so exposed and alive once again few days before my 21st bday, what a key to my turning point in life. Anger and disappointments do arise, and many a times I long so much for perfection in love that I felt this just shouldn't be the way. But persistence through the rough periods always never fails to prove the perfection that has yet to be revealed as at the rough period. He, I don't know what else I can say, but a love I wish can stay as my perfect love in life. He was, he is now, and I wish he will be in the path ahead.

    Working as a rather fresh graduate, perfection in career might still seem a little too vague to me now. But I hold the trust in myself that I will be able to carve it out sooner or later, with a little bit of patience and experience, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the time being.

    For friends, many friends come and go. You probably have the same experience as me. You rush through time, meet people but only to stop during the wee hours to find yourself so alone. I dare not ask for much, and sometimes I wonder who will say out my name as their best friend in life, but I do know God has blessed me with people I can still look for in times of trouble, and people whom I can share my life with (be it just once in a blue moon) me this is enough.

    No one is perfect, but have you ever, just like me, overlooked this fact and expect so much from the people around you? In the attempt to try to make everything better, many a times we overlooked. So, will you hold and turn back for a split second with me, pause and recall...

    Have you made this mistake of overlooking and hurting someone with your expectations?
    I realised I did.

    Hope my 1st post here didn't bore anyone. With this, I wish for a better tomorrow and for many excitements to come my way, that I may post and color my Bella Vida pursuit here! *cheers*

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