In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Monday, July 12, 2010

    my Charity: Water - Join my "For the Christmas to come" campaign now!


    I sat at my study desk, in my room, on a Sunday night, drinking a glass of water. And I came across myCharity:Water. I watched a video, that made a reality (which we all probably knew for sooo long) set in me with much guilt. Guilt that came to me because I suddenly realised how little I have done.

    I shopped every week, getting new clothes and skincares for my own use, to doll myself up. I went for dinners with my girl-friends every week and I go for facials, massages etc. All being said, but while I did all that, millions and even billions of people out there had to dig for muddy water that made them sick, just so they could quench their thirst. They walk miles and miles just to carry some dirty water so they could live.

    (Can u imagine making some milk for your baby in soiled dirty water??)

    So I wish I can help...what I have may be limited...but if you (who's reading this), are willing to hold hands with me to support this campaign I'm gonna start, then maybe we can provide someone out there clean water to drink!

    My Charity: Water Campaign (I name it) -- For the Christmas to come

    We all get so excited wanting to plan ourselves the best Christmas party we want, but shall we make it a little more meaningful this time? Join me, because if we can hit the small goal I set of USD 5000, it just might be enough for a well to be built, a well that can serve a whole village with clean water. It might sound quite a sum, but if all of us can give a little, maybe...maybe we can do it!

    (Watch the Video now!)

    You might know me as a friend, you might know me as just a blogger, you might be a complete stranger, but if you are willing, may I ask that we join hands together to make our Christmas a little more special this be able to know that this Christmas, while we're partying with our loved ones, some families out there will be celebrating their Christmas more then ever before because they will have clean water to drink!

    It's going to be a 3 months campaign with just 92 days left!!!

    So will you join me in this campaign...for the Christmas to come! A Real meaningful Christmas awaits! If your answer is "YES I wanna help someone drink some clean water!", click on the link now!

    Together, a well shall be built and more people can have clean water to drink!! (^.^)

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