In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Monday, October 5, 2009

    Bella's Love #4 - Mountainroseherbs!!!

    (All from Mountainroseherbs!!!)

    Next up for Bella's Love shall be something for our general health and skin-related products! In fact, Bella's recent addiction comes from products from Mountainroseherbs!! And here are my recent favs which I know I have to share with u all!

    1) Essential Oils!
    Ever felt like u're so stressed out and u feel so tensed up? Insomnia, sinus name it and unfortunately, I guess I can sympathise with u somehow because I've had some experiences with those. But recently, I'm starting to stock up my essential oil range to resume my somewhat lost-aromatherapy to cheer my days! Here're a few I bought!

    - Vetiver (great to bring u into your dreamland!)
    - Eucalyptus (Suits my Sinus problem~)
    - Tea Tree (Nice for acne problem and my frequent colds)

    Thing I love about the essential oils from Mountainroseherbs? They're mostly 100% organic!!

    2) Women's Balancing Blend (Herbal Tea)

    It's name says it all! Just for ladies! I've personally tried this herbal tea and it's actually nice! It has a bit of minty feel and gives a refreshing aftertaste! It's gonna be my next tea love! =) *Psst...I'm not the only one in love with my mum totally rave about it too!! ;)*

    3) Anti-Itch Spray

    If you're like me, with a sUuppperly sensitive skin which tends to itch like crazy at times, you're so gonna love my 3rd recommendation - the Anti-itch Spray! It works almost instantly!!!Even mopiko and medicated oil can't fight my itch as fast as this! Now this stays with me wherever I go~

    4) Bug-Out Repellent

    Going outdoor but you're constantly stung by all sorts of insects? I guess this solves it all! Bella is someone who hates bugs and any flying insects! And this has become my love now for my outdoor activities or even to night markets overseas! It last 2-4 hrs after each spray! I wouldn't know how to not have this with me! *grinz*

    So as usual, Bella doesn't get any advertising fees from Mountainroseherbs but I just thought since these products has done wonders for me...I should share it here! Hope you guys love it too! Oh and should you be interested but feels that the shipping is too expensive, feel free to drop me an email @ and we'll see if we can share the shipping fees together! heex...*cheerios*

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