In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Chilling Saturday night with ex-Uni mates!

    Been meeting up loads with my secondary school mates and my colleagues, but haven't really been able to spend some time catching up with my university school mates!

    So about 1-2 weeks back, on a Saturday, a few of us decided to just go grab some drinks and have a chit chat! Left the home at around 12am not much places were available for us! Hence, we went to Cafe Iguana for some Margaritas~

    (Presenting the "cannot-be-bothered" Da Jie - Beng Kiong!)

    (Margaritas with chips~)

    (Left: Tried to brush away the camera screen...)
    (Right: Failed...hence that give-up look! =p)

    (Attendees of the night!)

    And after drinks was some sinful prata supper! Arghh...I'm seriously growing fat! But......I know I can blame no one but my non-stop munching mouth~ (o.O) *nom nom*

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