In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Mid week chill + hApPy bIrthday To my beloved Daddy!!

    Met up with April dear for a short chat over at Coffee Bean @ ION last Wednesday as well as went over to Takashimaya mooncake fair to grab some Baileys + Rum & Raisin Chocolate Truffles mooncakes from Fairmont Hotel *drools*!! And since she had some change of plans for her wedding, we had some chat over the updates~

    (Me and April!So excited for her wedding!!!)

    (Yum yum...I made her down some sinful food to pamper herself~oops!)

    (The super nice mooncakes...Baileys mooncake mixed withh Rum & Raisin Chocolate Truffles!!Yum Yum again!!!=p)

    After a short meetup with April, it was rushing back time for my most beloved Daddy's birthday dinner!!! Bro suggested we go to the nice Sichuan Restaurant located along Seletar area for the birthday dinner! The food there is really quite awesome!


    (Left: Dar busy eating!)
    (Right: Moi! heh heh~)

    Sobs that I didn't take a peekture of my Birthday Daddy *gua gua* But nonetheless...I luurrvVeee him the MOST!!! hApPy BirThday 老豆!!! *sMo0chhh*

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