In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    a nice week hindered! sobx...

    If u've been visiting my blog, you probably know that Bella's been really sick for the week. Was suppose to have a rather enjoyable job engagement this week and next week...but only to find myself too sick to work...Arghh...

    Since Monday morning, Bella was already feeling not at her best when she was getting ready to go to work. Bodyache all over my body was the starting point to all...but being the first day of the new engagement, Bella hung on and worked through the day. Fortunately, we didn't have to work till late that day...but by the time Bella reached home, the fever had already set in. started at 37.6 and proceeded up the ladder to 37.8 Degrees Celsius...had to make do with the panadols I had..

    Tuesday woke up feeling still strong enough to go to work..and since I didn't work late the previous day I felt it's better to not take MC unless I really cannot hold on anymore. So I went to work and perservered for another day...but sadly by the time i reached home in the thermometer was measuring 38.7 degrees. Was kind of like bed-ridden cos' I was too weak to walk around. As a result, I didn't go to work on Wednesday. Fortunately I have a understanding Senior in this job and granted me to not go work on Wednesday. Things seem better by Wed night after much Bella went back to work on Thursday.

    (Sick Bella...*crys*)

    On Thursday morning, when Dar called to wake me up for work, my body was aching so badly, especially when I breathe. But ignoring the pain I thought as long as the fever dusson comes back it should be fine. But failing to keep my fingers crossed, by the time I reached Raffles Place MRT, the fever jumped back again. =( So instead of heading straight to the client's place, I went to visit the doctor first. Waited for about an hour before I went back to office. This first doctor said it might be viral infection but suggest I take the fever medicine and wait for a few more days before taking any tests should the fever persist. Was given MC for 2 days...but I still went back to client place cos' I wanted to bring my lappie and some work back to do. Had lunch with Junney and Ying at sakae sushi and also at dessert house. My appetite was really bad that day so didn't eat much. Went back to client's place after lunch and looking at the hot weather outside the glass window, decided to ask Daddy to come pick me up at Raffles cos' had my lappie and some doc to bring home.

    Friday was stay home again. But at night went to visit a Chinese Physician (strongly insisted by my parents)..and this second doctor said it's probably some sort of cold which I totally disagree! And due to some family problems, Bella decided to move in to Dar's place on Friday night to rest till Monday before I head home again. Hope I'll recover by the time I reach home. Anyways...took back a bag of horrible tasting medicine from the Chinese Physician and trust me it tasted so horrible that I even cried when Dar fed me the first dose =( Yes it was that bad. With no improvements after all the medication, last night Bella reached her highest temp of 39.2 degrees. Went down to Silver Cross clinic downstairs Dar's house and was asked to go to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) Department in the hospital to take blood test. So Dar accompanied me to Singapore General Hospital A&E after we had dinner. We waited super long for the result to be out..and only reached home at 3am. So at A&E, this third doctor said it's viral infection as well. Took back yet another bag of medicine for the day and am swallowing them now. So sick of all the medication and fluctuation of my body temp. Now Bella's in the healthy period cos' the fever is not here...wonder if it's gonna come back later (cos' my fever will keep fluctuating). Keeping fingers crossed again *XX*

    (Don't forget to wear the masks in the fever zone!)

    (waiting and waiting...)

    (After blood test..sobx)

    (Accompaniments during the waiting...)

    Was given MC for this coming Tuesday as well...but might still go to work if I do feel better. Pray for me guys. I wanna recover soon and be able to go out and enjoy myself. Sobx..

    P.S To Dar...tank cute for taking care of me. Smuacks...(*)

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