In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Friday, May 23, 2008

    not recovering...=(

    *Crys*...I still remember my last post was titled that I'm recovering...but unfortunately not so fast as I proposed. I managed to get out of house for the whole day yesterday and went to work though I was still not feeling at my best but at least the fever stayed away from me for most of the work day until nearing the end. And sadly by the time I reached home, the fever bounced back again, and though somewhat controlled after medication, I was having fever this morning causing me to feel really horrible, so much so that even though I woke up and took my towel to the bathroom already, my head was spinning so badly that I decided to go to work only in the afternoon.

    I've run out of all the fever medication all the doctors gave. And though my fever left me around noon, giving me enough energy to prepare myself for work, it came back again when I reach the client's place. Still, I hold out till the end of the day. As I was taking my laptop home, and given the fact that the bus stop outside my house area is quite a distance from my house, I decided to stay put at Dar's house and wait for Daddy to pick me up when he drives my mum home. Dar ended work later then me, so I waited for him at his house area first. He had additional work today and by the time he found me outside his house, my head was already burning. I'm banned from eating soooooo many delicacies. I've got soooooooo many cravings these days. I can't eat soya dumplings. I can't eat spicy food (enough to kill me!!). I can't eat fried food. I can't eat chocolates. I can't eat my favourite pasta. I can't eat so much so much!!!!!!!*feel my deprivation!*

    And now, though fever has subsided for the time being, but the bloatedness in Bella's little tummy is killing me. I can't sleep or even sit well with the bloated tummy. Wonder what's causing the bloatedness. Feel so horrible. *Sobx* Tomorrow most probably not going to work cos' I finished what I can do (well cos' I did really few workpapers in this job engagement due to this idiotic viral infection), and also cos' I needa go back to polyclinic for follow-up as pre-arranged when I went to A&E last Saturday. Think I needa get more medication for my fever tomorrow. Nothing fills my tummy more then these pills these days. So saddening right? Bella's so down in her morale these days...feel so useless cos' I can't get much things life is dull with only medication and torturing fever bugging me...take my illness away!!!Arghhhh....*Crys*

    Hopefully I can come up with some happy posts soon. But for now...I need to spend some time bearing with my bloaty excuse me =(

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