In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Friday, April 25, 2008

    Beijing Fashion Show

    (My Favourite of all!!)

    Oh...I'm so starting to fall in love with condoms...erms..but not for u know what it's designated purpose is...but because of these colourful and pretty dresses! Weird? Yes I agree..but I can't deny too that they are indeed unique..or izit just some problems with my fashion sense? Alright at least they do look pretty from far right? But come to think of it..I might not say the same if I'm right in front of it though...not when I can sense the rubber-ish touch of the dresses!haha...

    (I lurrveee these too!)

    (Like a short bride-y dress..)

    (Traditional Qi-Pao in the not so traditional colourful's this combination for u?)

    (The more daring and trendy designs..hmm..these seems to match the material with a better theme..ya?keke...=p)

    So are you impressed? Well I definitely am!!heex..

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