In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Saturday, April 19, 2008

    Hua Nan Team Lunch

    (The Hua Nan team!)

    Hmm yes I know this is like a superly long over-due post coz I had this team lunch on Wednesday actually. But..due to some personal issues, Bella was just simply too tired. Took urgent leave for this past Thursday and Friday and now Bella is back. SOunds like some soul-catching event took place...Laughs..

    Anyway, this team lunch was for a engagement that has past for quite some time. With the signing of the FS, I can finally shred the documents in my chicken file for that engagement. Keke...and yippy we can finally get to enjoy ourselves with some rewarding feast. hehe...

    After some discussion of where to eat (though most of the discussion probably only went on in Edward's brainie..haha), we decided to have our team lunch at Coffee Club. Took a cab to the Coffee Club branch just opposite Hong Leong (if I remember the location correctly though =p). Yes we took a cab though it was superly of walking distance, but who would mind since the boss suggested it! keke...Upon reaching the place it was ordering of food without any delays. Reaching Coffee Club will almost definitely mean I'm so gonna have my Muddy Mud-pie! (Coz if you look at my small candle-ly picture slideshow at the left of this blog u would probably spot me with my fav Mud pie as evidence of my lurrrveee for the yummlicious thing..haha)

    (all my 4 other teammates in!!oh the right side man..Monkey-boy??oopx...he's so gonna kill me for posting this up!!*runs away*)

    Me and Shimin ordered the highly recommended Garlic Prawn Pasta for our main course, Zanne ordered the Smoked Salmon pasta, while the two guys ordered their Alfredo (which was instantly termed as boring by the other 2 ladies without any hesitation). And with the girls around, lunch is never over without satisfying our sweet tooth! muhahahha...So we ordered the greatly adored Muddy Mud-pie (FYI I am definitely not the only one craving for it!!) as well as their fruity Chocolate Fondue! Yippy...

    (On the left: the yummy Garlic Prawn pasta. To the right: Smoked Salmon pasta)

    (Ahhhh totally sinful..but we seriously don't care!!)

    It was really nice chatting with the team over lunch. With all the delicious food presented before us, and with no work pressure surrounding us, it was all gossiping and chatting about farnie characters like Mr. Soda Man (or a more disgusting version would be Soda Baby..pukes), K darling (which totally took half my appetite away) and many many more!!And by the way..I shall say Congratulations to Mr Edward here for the end of the engagement with Mr. Soda Man..but poor me..I still gotta go through it for another week. SObx...ask me if it's that bad...look at me now -->*nod nod*..gua gua...

    (By instructions/suggestions from all other's presenting the red face Edward after someone mentioned ??? to him..keke! Edward if you have to kill me..kill Kelvin first for reminding me to take ur pic!!hahax)

    With the 2 days urgent leave plus this weekend, you might think I should have had a super duper good rest. But not so I guess...especially when I'm so down with flu now! Sobx...gonna take my medicine later and zzz to the late noon tomorrow! I hope I'll be fit enough really by the time I wake up tomorrow!!*I wishhhh*

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