In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    1-week post-op review~

    (drip drip drips~~)

    I went for my 1-week post op review yesterday @ Shinagawa and unfortunately, my eyes are still under the torment of dryness. Boo!

    And the result, is more rest @ home and constant dripping of eye drops! The redness of my eye is disappearing though...this shall be the happier part of my recovery. Apart from that, the dryness seem to not be going away as yet and so I bought myself another 2 big boxes of naturale tears to arm myself well both at home and in office!~

    But yeah to no more eye shield required when sleeping and no more bitter Vigamox for me! *Dumps them into the bin*

    Meanwhile, pray for me for a speedy recovery and better adjustment of my eye sight too plssss! *Grinz*

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