In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Monday, June 21, 2010

    The last of be-spectacled me! =)

    (The last of be-spectacled me with Dar!)

    As of some of friends may have known by now, I went for my lasik at Shinagawa at Wheelock Place today. The whole process was quite alright for me, though not to mention, I was really scared in there alone. =p

    The last Saturday, Dar accompanied me downt o Shinagawa for my consultation which lasted for around 2 hours. I've been on my specs since Wednesday as I have to be on specs 3 days before consultation. And yeah, all my friends who saw me in specs couldn't really recognise me =p

    (Left: Dar accompanied by a cuppa green tea throughout the 2 lonesome hours...)
    (Right: Me in my little spectacles..excited for the consultation!)

    (Inside Shinagawa~)

    They did a lot of tests for my eyes during consultation and frankly, I'm surprised by how thorough this eye testing can get! Not to mention the fact that my myopia has actually got worse...with my left eye being 500 and my right eye 625! I'm glad I decide to have my lasik done before it gets even worse!

    So after the check, I scheduled the appointment today (Monday) @ 10am and gosh was I terrified! I went in alone after some waiting and the whole thing started slow and easy. My right eye initially felt more pain then my left eye, even after I got home. I slept in, though waking up every 1 hour to put on the 3 different eye drops that were provided to me. With each hour of sleep, my right eye got better and the vision also became clearer.

    Though my vision is not exactly sharp now, I'm hoping to see the world with a clearer vision when I wake up tomorrow for my first post-op review~

    That aside, Dar came over to find me after work to have dinner with me *Thankies Dar Dar* So happy!! I can finally watch a soccer match without the use of contact lenses or spectacles! Huhoo~~~Meanwhile it's more eye drops for me and more rest for my eyes!!!

    Thank God for all the protection over my lasik! *I Love You!*

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