In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : It goes on - By Robert Frost
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    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    new hair me? =p

    Yeah it's the start of June..a new month! The painful month of May has finally passed us...or rather me. Bella's been sick for almost more then half of May...and the vague memory I have of May 2008 is me falling really sick (more sick then ever before that I can remember). But I'm glad to share with my beloved readers that with the coming of June...Bella's feeling so much better! I'm no doctor and I might be wrong somehow...but at least what my health is telling me now at this moment is that I guess I've recovered!!! Hopefully...with my new hair color...a new healthy me shall be born with it! Hahax...all bad bad things gooooo far far away from Bella!!=p

    Last Friday (30th May), Bella went to be the demo model for one of the instructors in Tony and Guy Academy. And for those of you who read my previous probably know about my painful few days that I suffered with the dreadful blonde fringe I had. Fortunately it's kinda gone now...or well at least the color is not as disastrous. Haha...I woke up early and reached Tony and Guy Academy at Bugis at 930am that morning..had some preparation done on my hair and the whole session started. My hair actually went through a second time bleaching in order to reach a further lightening effect. But boy I have to admit what a shock I had when Dila (the instructor dying my hair) tried to test the strength of my hair strand after applying the bleach on for quite some time to see if my hair can still take the bleaching process for some time more. Cos' the moment she tried to pull a strand of my hair, it break instantly!! She tried on another side and "snap" it break again. Well, this then means that my hair cannot take another minute of bleaching and so Dila got me up to wash away the bleach instantly. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't have to undergo any chemical cut. Another portion of my hair was actually undergoing another color dying at the same time. After washing the bleach away, a green ash color toner was applied on it to tone down the color. Worried as I am, but I'm glad the whole 3-color effect (I've got one color for my bottom section, one color for my fringe section and another for my top hollow section =p) came off well...and I actually lurrrvvve the ash-y effect.

    (The stairs leading to fashion!)

    (my hair in low light...*at Dar's hse =p*)

    (A closer look at my hair...heex)

    Met up with a few of my colleagues at Vivocity after my hair thing-y cos' one of my colleagues is leaving us ( sad...another one leaving). It was Seng Keat's last day on Friday and so Yogi and Timo went to Vivocity with him for lunch. I joined them too, while Junney also kinda dropped by while we had lunch at Superdog. She was down Vivocity with her Daddy and Brother so she didn't stayed on with us. We went to Toast Box for some Tea chat until around 2 plus before the guys had to head back to work.

    (My colleagues and me...The tall tall guy beside me ish the one leaving us...Sobx!)

    (*My Teh-O plus Lemon from Toast Box*)

    (Random pics...=p)

    I went down to Raffles Place to look for Dar for awhile before heading back down to Bugis again. Cos' one of my ex-Primary school mate actually had his mini shop opening on Friday at Bugis street, so I went down to show some support, especially since I'm meeting Dar after he off work to have our dinner at Bugis area. Not an easy attempt for me to find my friend's shop (cos' I don't have a good sense of direction I must admit), but with some luck I managed to find his shop. Bought a polo tee for Dar before I head off for some shopping attempts for myself. But sobx...I didn't manage to get anything for myself that day. Time seem to pass so slowly, and after much walking, Bella finally took a short foot rest at JCO donuts. Ordered a Green Tea Freeze (which is a totally wrong choice cos' it made me feel so uncomfortable in my stomach after that) as well as some take away donuts...then I walked over to the bus-stop that Dar will alight afterwards to wait for him. It was around 530pm when I reached the bus-stop but due to some unforeseen circumstances, Dar only reached at 705pm.

    (My hair..erm I was trying on some clothes actually..=p)

    (Bugis JCO Donuts..the ambience is okie but didn't quite like the service there...=( )

    We had actually intended to have our dinner at Creation for our favourite pasta, but after the long wait and with my uncomfortable tummy due to the Green Tea freeze, we changed plans and headed for some steamboat instead. We went to "La Mei Zi" for our steamboat. This is the exact same one that I went with my colleagues before for Jack's farewell. I totally enjoy the soup base there this time round (cos' when I went with my colleagues that time, they all didn't like hot and spicy soup base =( ) this time round, we ordered the hot and spicy soup base, tom yam soup base, and a sour vegetable soup base! Yummy...

    (Our steamboat!!Yummy!!)

    (Dar and me...^^)

    And Bella's whole of Saturday and Sunday shall just be some simple hours spent with my Dar Dar and rest time alone for myself on Saturday night while Dar attempts the Adidas Sundown Marathon with some of his secondary school mates starting at 2359 hours all the way through the wee hours of the Sunday morning...(his leg is super uber pain pain now...poor thing!)

    Anyways...I actually just came back from dinner with Dar and Dar's Daddy at one of our favourite Xin Hua (Dar's family dialect) eatery. Feeling so satisfied now...haha...and now I shall start thinking how I can spend my Monday tomorrow. Heex...hope you guys enjoy yourself too!!Smuacks...(^^)

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